Plugging another blog?

Would it be wrong to publicly plug another persons blog within your own blog? Again, new to the blogging scene, I’m not really sure of the etiquette on here. As I said in my first entry, I’ve been reading a lot of blogs about hiking in the Sierras, especially hiking the JMT. I usually will do a Google search or Bing the words “JMT” or John Muir. I’ve read some really inspiring blogs over the past few weeks and feel compelled to share this with anyone that reads this entry. His name is Squish and he did the JMT this past year in 2013 with his brother. I thought is writing was great, fantastic photos and he hit all the right buttons with me and continued to drive me towards my goal of completing a thru-hike of the JMT.

Please visit his blog and let me know what you think…..the address is:


New Blogger

Not much of a blogger but found reading other’s posts so enjoyable that I thought I’d give it a try. This blog will be dedicated to the planning and preparation of a 2015 hike through the Sierra mountains in California. I may end up going solo, but I know Leigh will be there with me in one form or another. She’s already stated that 211 miles is too long for her weary knees and I get that. I’ve been reading, watching and absorbing as much content as I can regarding hiking in the Sierras that I find myself overwhelmed with anticipation of what may happen. Stay tuned to this blog and I’ll try my best not to repeat what most bloggers do….start but never finish.


Summer 2015 here we come!

Summer 2015 here we come!